[Okada’s World Devlog] v0.02

There’s no footage of this stage unfortunately (and I wasn’t branching off for each version so can’t re-capture it!)

A lot of work went into understanding engine features, and learning pixel art using Acesprite.

I was going through a lot of different ideas before settling on one, and lots of experimentation and learning took place here

  • Added tilemaps to create platforms for player to stand on
  • Added basic save system
  • Added stamina bar, health bar - and linked player sprinting to draining stamina
  • Added clock system, and UI
  • Created basic player sprite animations
  • Added old man sprite
  • Added basic warpgate sprites and logic
  • Added parallax background which shifts with player at a reduced rate
  • Camera soft zoom in / out in certain areas

Peter Alabaster

Full time Software Engineer & Dad. Keep up to date with my projects here.

Working on basic game features; Manual saves, stamina, and UI

By Peter Alabaster, 2020-04-15